1. Anyone have any cheese pizza? - 4ChanArchives
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Archived content from 4chan's /b/ - Random
2. I think it's sort of based on the fact that "cheese pizza" is 4chan slang for ch...
24 nov 2016 · "Cheese pizza" is 4chan slang for child p*rn, and there was a picture sent by podesta of an immigrant child (and her family) eating pizza with a title like " ...
shawabawa3 on Nov 24, 2016 | parent | context | favorite | on: Reddit’s CEO edited comments that criticized him
3. ck/ - It's Pizza, AND it's cheese sticks! It turns out t - Food & Cooking - 4chan
It's Pizza, AND it's cheese sticks! It turns out that you CAN out pizza the Hut. - "/ck/ - Food & Cooking" is 4chan's imageboard for food pictures and ...
It's Pizza, AND it's cheese sticks! It turns out that you CAN out pizza the Hut. - "/ck/ - Food & Cooking" is 4chan's imageboard for food pictures and cooking recipes.
4. [PDF] How 4chan Cooked Up the Pizzagate Bullsh*t | Tuters | M/C Journal
5 mei 2019 · It was noticed that several of Podesta's emails, for example, mentioned the phrase. 'cheese pizza' (see Image 5), which on 4chan had long been ...
5. Dissecting the #PizzaGate Conspiracy Theories - The New York Times
10 dec 2016 · A participant on 4chan connected the phrase “cheese pizza” to pedophiles, who on chat boards use the initials “c.p.” to denote child p*rnography ...
PizzaGate: How a rumor grew into a fake news storm tailor-made for the internet.
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6. How Twitter outrage hatches in tiny fringe groups on 4chan and Reddit
10 nov 2017 · Trump and 4chan's far-right fringe message board… and which wound up confabulated into PizzaGate by somebody on 4chan who connected the phrase “ ...
Communities within 4chan and Reddit are veritable hatcheries for Twitter-borne fakery
7. 185590754 added by powerset at Anon goes on 4chan - Funnyjunk
I remember the cheese pizza and captain planet days! - #185590754 added by powerset at Anon goes on 4chan.
I remember the cheese pizza and captain planet days! - #185590754 added by powerset at Anon goes on 4chan
8. r9k/ - rate the cheese pizza sandwich bros - ROBOT9001 - 4chan
rate the cheese pizza sandwich bros - "/r9k/ - ROBOT9001" is a board for hanging out and posting greentext stories.
9. R1: Apple strudel VS Cheese Pizza [Archive] - The Giraffe Boards
5 aug 2016 · Some sickos on that site will sometimes even post an image of a cheese only pizza as code for "Post CP (the bad kind) here". Those topics don't ...
[Archive] R1: Apple strudel VS Cheese Pizza The Ultimate Megapoll Forum