Dragonball M: A DBZ RPG Sign-Up and Discussion Thread. (2025)

Name: Shiro

Race/Species: Android

Age: Unknown

Height/Weight: 5'8/567 lbs


Dragonball M: A DBZ RPG Sign-Up and Discussion Thread. (1)

Power Level: 6750

Style: Tetsujin Ryuu ("Iron Man Style")


Baionikku Sumasshu ("Bionic Smash"): Shiro channels all of her strength into a devastating straight punch.

Andoroido Bariya ("Android Barrier"): Shiro generates a protective spherical barrier around herself to protect against attacks. She can generate the barrier around herself and those close to her to give them protection too. The barrier can take some damage, but will fall against overwhelming force.

Chiyu-te ("Healing Hand"): Shiro touches someone and releases nanites to heal physical wounds on both biological and mechanical beings. The more severe the wound, the longer the nanites take to heal, and they can't reattach lost limbs on biological beings or heal mortal wounds.

Sakushi no joō (Mistress of Illusions): Shiro creates a variety of illusions, from making herself (and others) invisible to making illusion clones of herself (and others), to making herself (or others) look different.

Saibogu Ai Bimu ("Cyborg Eye Beam"): Precise white laser beams shot from Shiro's eyes.

Shiro Finga Bimu ("Shiro Finger Beam"): Shiro fires a beam of white energy at her opponent from her index finger. It's either a single large beam, or multiple smaller beams fired at a very fast rate.

Meteorikku Bāsuto (Meteoric Burst): Through modifications made by Jinzi Pantaloons, Midori and Shiro are able to essentially 'overclock' their bodies, increasing their speed, strength, and energy output. However, doing so causes damage to their bodies, with the longer they keep using it the more damage they suffer, to the point it is potentially fatal.

Taiyoken (Great Solar Fist): The Taiyoken is performed by the user placing their hands close to the center of their face with the fingers spread toward their eyes. Shiro then calls out the name of the technique, which provokes a white light to fire out and blind everything watching except Shiro, since she is projecting the light.

Ama no Iwato (Cave of Heaven Rock): Shiro points the palm of her hand at the opponent, charging a large sphere of white energy before her palm that is fired at the target, where it hits and detonates in a massive explosion.

Uchū no Harō (Cosmic Halo): Shiro executes this attack by raising her index finger into the air and circling it above her head to create a yellow ring of energy, whose appearance is very similar to the Destructo Disc. Once created, she transports the circular energy ring over her opponent, then lowers and closes it around them. This results in the opponent being gripped and trapped within the circular attack.

Shiroi Yari (White Spear): Shiro creates several long 'spears' of ki, one in hand and several floating in the air around her. Throwing the one in her hand, the others follow it. However, unlike most ki-based attacks, these spears pierce and impale the target.


- A capsule wallet containing six capsules. Two are empty and the other four hold:

  • Scooter and helmet
  • Several spares of her outfit
  • A toolkit and parts for minor maintenance on Midori or herself
  • Her secret collection of trashy romance novels

- A money purse containing her current life savings
- A hairbrush
- A photo of her creator/"father"


Healing Nanites: Nanites Shiro releases through touch to heal physical wounds on both biological and mechanical beings. The more severe the wound, the longer the nanites take to heal, and they can't reattach lost limbs on biological beings or heal mortal wounds. The nanites have a very short life span, and die after they complete their job.

Pain Ignore: Despite being a robotic being, Shiro was built to feel pain. However, should it be necessary during a fight she has can 'shut off' the ability to feel pain so she can keep fighting despite suffering great damage.

Lifesign Scanner: Like Midori, her eyes can 'scan' an opponent for their vital signs to ensure they're still alive after battle (or dead if necessary). She can also scan an opponent for their power level (though with the same limitations as the scouters used by Universe 7's "Frieza Army"). But unlike Midori, Shiro's can also perform medical scans, allowing her to check heartrate, blood pressure, and search for possible wounds. However, the subject must be able to be seen, thus requiring them to be in sight and meaning large clouds of dust, big pieces of debri, and other things can prevent her from using it.

History: Born in the small country of Saito, Dr. Nijimoto Yoshi had a genius-level IQ and polymath who specialized in robotics, even building an android by the name of Shiro. This android, built to be an assistant in his lab, was deemed his greatest creation, and he treated her more like a daughter than an object. And for her part, Shiro loved her creator as a father and enjoyed being his assistant. The two lived a quiet, peaceful life together in Dr. Nijimoto's lab/home.

But everything changed when the Blue Devil army, under the control of the malevolent Overlord Bastille, attacked Saito. The armies of Saito fought valiantly against the Blue Devil army, but most felt it was only a matter of time until Saito fell under their control. And without help from the World Government, Dr. Nijimoto decided that he would have to create a warrior able to battle and defeat the threat to his country.

Shiro, ever the loyal assistant, joined him in a secret workshop to begin working on what her creator felt was the country's last hope. Working alongside the elderly genius, Shiro did whatever she could to ensure the man's hope came to be. They worked day and night, constantly fearing that the Blue Devil army would find them and ruin everything. But luck was on their side, and they succeeded in creating the warrior, named Midori. However, Shiro felt there was more that she could do, and convinced Dr. Nijimoto to modify her for combat so she could join her 'sister' on the battlefield. Dr. Nijimoto was initially reluctant, but eventually relented to her wishes and did so.

At Midori's side, Shiro charged out into the field to join the battle. With their superior strength, durability, and firepower, they engaged the Blue Devil army in battle. They fought long and hard, and their victories in battle against the Blue Devil army rallied the armies of Saito, who went into battle with renewed fervor.

With the armies of Saito at their back, Shiro and Midori succeeded in defeating the Blue Devil army and toppling the evil Overlord Bastille. Their actions during the battle made the two androids heroes of Saito, and their creator Dr. Nijimoto gained fame as their creator. But as they enjoyed the fruits of their labors, Dr. Nijimoto realized something about his creations, his 'daughters'. They had thoughts, beliefs, opinions, and personalities that made them practically indistinguishable from humans. Curiosity setting in, Dr. Nijimoto offered them the choice to go out into the world to truly find themselves and their place in it while sending him regular reports on their activities.

Shiro was reluctant to leave her beloved creator alone, but the elderly man talked to her and convinced her to join Midori in travelling, though admitting it was largely due to him wishing for her to keep an eye on her little 'sister'. Acknowledging that even for her great combat abilities, Midori's curious and energetic nature could get her into trouble easily, Shiro agreed. With the understanding that doing so was assisting Dr. Nijimoto, even remotely, Shiro joined Midori in setting off into the world to see what it held for them.

- Shiro, due to being created as an assistant to her creator/"father", acts as Midori's 'doctor' while they're travelling.
- Has a strong, though secret, fondness for trashy romance novels.
- Got third place in the Smoke City Arm Wrestling Championship, losing to the second place competitor.
- Like Midori, despite not needing to eat or drink due to being an android, Shiro does enjoy the taste of shrimp-flavored cup noodle
- Knows why Midori has her collection of shoes and pair of rain boots, and refuses to tell Midori


Character Theme:

Steven Universe "Dance of Swords (Extended)"

Battle Theme (Light):

Spectre General "Nothin's Gonna Stand In Our Way"

Battle Theme (Serious):

Two Steps From Hell "United We Stand - Divided We Fall"

Battle Theme (Victorious):

Kill la Kill OST: Final Boss Theme (Sonic Adventure 2/Kill la Kill remix)

Dragonball M:  A DBZ RPG Sign-Up and Discussion Thread. (2025)


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Author: Trent Wehner

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Author information

Name: Trent Wehner

Birthday: 1993-03-14

Address: 872 Kevin Squares, New Codyville, AK 01785-0416

Phone: +18698800304764

Job: Senior Farming Developer

Hobby: Paintball, Calligraphy, Hunting, Flying disc, Lapidary, Rafting, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.